Gettysburg: The Beautiful Serenity of Valor & Honor
As our children's primary educators, Erin and I are committed to impressing upon our children the full cost of the liberties we enjoy as citizens of our great nation. As the war between the states has been their primary subject in history in recent weeks, we decided to take Charlotte and Simon to Gettysburg. For security purposes, I don't post pictures or openly advertise when we're out of town, therefore I'm lumping some of my favorite highlights from the trip here. I'll have more to say about some of the scenes included here in the near future.
Suffice it to say now, every time I visit sacred ground like this, I find myself longing for the days when words like honor, valor, and liberty still meant something. I cannot help but be moved by the thousands of men who willingly ran into an endless barrage of lead in the defense of their homes, states, and nation. I refuse to forget and I refuse to permit my children to grow up ignorant of the courage, character, and sacrifice that have gone into building and defending this land and nation we call our home.